Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsYoung & designer? Sign up for a Pecha Kucha at the Landscape Triennal 2017

Young & designer? Sign up for a Pecha Kucha at the Landscape Triennal 2017


On September 30th, during the last day of the Landscape Triennal ‘Next Landscape’ in Haarlemmermeer, the NVTL hands the stage to young landscape architects and designers. The Next landscape is created by the next generation!

Young designers are given the opportunity to hold a pecha kucha presentation (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide) about their work, a project or their world vision. The two themes that can be chosen are: (1) healthy landscape and (2) migration and identity of the landscape. In addition, there is a free category.

The afternoon takes place from 13:00 to 17:00h. To introduce the first two themes, Matthijs Schouten of  WLO will hold a short lecture. After the pecha kucha’s a plenary discussion will be held on the subjects. Eric Luiten finishes with an overview of this triennial harvest.

Landscape Festival

The afternoon ends with drinks, and is followed by the Landscape Festival, starting in the evening. Designers who hold a presentation get free access to the Landscape Festival in the evening.

Sign up

Interested young designers can sign up until August 30, by emailing Please mention the subject of your presentation.