Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventTU Delft Urban and Landscape Week 2018

TU Delft Urban and Landscape Week 2018


From 15 to 17 October, the Urban and Landscape Week 2018 will take place at TU Delft. Theme: Floworld, Urban Dynamics beyond boundaries.

The topic for this year’s ULWeek is “Floworld, Urban Dynamics beyond boundaries.” Goal is to explore how human, material and information flows are redefining landscapes, cities, and territories increasingly faster, raising levels of instability and uncertainty at different scales. Because of these processes, the fragility of diverse systems (ecological, economic, social and cultural) increases. Therefore, it promotes the creation of new conflicts and scenarios that manifest themselves in landscapes, cities, and territories. At the same time, the globalization process is not experienced in equal terms in regard to the diverse communities that are involved in them. In this way, uneven realities are connected by apparently invisible networks that shape and integrate different infrastructures and landscapes. These new magnitudes also entail a redefinition of our practice.

Prominent scholars, practitioners, and researchers have been invited from different disciplinary fields to reflect and broaden the debate about these issues. As the logic of inquiry is diverse, we long for creating bridges between different critical perspectives.

About ULWeek

ULWeek consists of a symposium with lectures and discussions and a short competition. Tickets for ULWeek will be sold from Wednesday 27 September. Admission: 20 euros for professionals, students 12 € (10 €  symposium only). More information on the facebook page of the ULW and on the website of Polis.