Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarSummerschool Marker Wadden-Laboratory Living with Nature

Summerschool Marker Wadden-Laboratory Living with Nature


25 August – 2 September 2017 the EMiLA (European Master in Landscape Architecture) Summer School will take place at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture. Challenge: the new National Park New Land in The Netherlands. Are you a masterstudent in landscape architecture? Sign up before May 1st 2017.

By 2050, 75 percent of the people will be living in cities. Thus the working field of landscape architects is and will be the ever-growing urban environment. Living with nature is the new global challenge. How would we design an environment if we perceive human development as a way of enhancing the biodiversity? How can human development contribute to the sustainability of biodiversity including but not limited to the economic benefits?

The EMiLA Summer School 2017 is projecting this challenge on the new National Park New Land in the Netherlands.

National Park New Land: the Marker Wadden

Making land has been the core of the history of the people and land in the Netherlands. Ground is dug by people’s hands; a unique play of man and nature, where man creates and strengthens nature, and vice versa. National Park New Land, which is literally newly made land, is approximately 30km away from the metropolis of Amsterdam.


The costs for the workshop are 475 euro. This includes hotel costs, travel expenses to and from the Marker Wadden, an excursion, food & drinks on the Marker Wadden, welcome supper, farewell lunch and materials.


The maximum number of participants: 30 students. Please contact the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture for more information via email to Deadline for registration: May 1st 2017.


The EMiLA master’s programme is provided by five leading universities and schools of landscape architecture in Europe. For more information visit