Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarlectureLectures EMiLA Summer School Marker Wadden

Lectures EMiLA Summer School Marker Wadden


During the EMiLA Summer School Marker Wadden (25 Aug.- 2 Sept.), there will be a series of lectures by experts of different fields relating to the assigment, A Laboratory for Living with Nature.

The program:

  • Saturday 26 August – Simon Bell / European Nature Policy
  • Tuesday 29 August – Rik de Visser (Vista) / the development of the Marker Wadden
  • Wednesday 30th of August – Tracy Metz / her book Sweet & Salt

The lectures take place in the Hoge Zaal at the Academy of Architecture. The language is English. Entrance fee 5 euros (for non EMiLA Summer School participants).

More information: Academy of Architecture Amsterdam.