Kickstart day Region of the Future

On 4 July, the Regio van de Toekomst (Region of the Future) project started with a matchmaking day. This day will be followed by the Kickstart day on September the 13th. This event is open to everyone who is interested in the project.
On July 4th, the project was kicked off in ‘De Hoefslag’ in Barneveld with a matchmaking event for team captains, team members and regions. All registered were invited to participate in the matchmaking. The BNSP, NVTL, the Ministry of the Interior and the four regions – Arnhem, The Hague-Rotterdam, Waddenkust and Flevoland- became acquainted with those present. The event marked the start of the design research that will take place in the course of the coming months. More information about the event can be found on the NVTL website (in Dutch).
The next step for the captains and regionen is to make concrete follow-up appointments, to form the final teams and start the design research in September.
For this reason the Kickstart day will be organized on 13 September. This day is open to everyone who is interested in the project. Regions, team captains and teams present themselves and address the challenges that have been formulated by that time. Questions from the attendees and sharing knowledge from the organization and the regions and teams involved is the primary aim of this meeting.
Further information about the program and location of September 13 will follow as soon as possible.