Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventFinal presentations | Region of the Future

Final presentations | Region of the Future


On 22 March, the eight teams of the ‘Region of the Future’ project will present the final outcome of the regional design explorations: Zuid-Holland, Waddenkust Eemsdelta, Region Arnhem, Nijmegen, Foodvalley and Flevoland. 

After six months of hard work, the teams of Region of the Future present their results. Inspiring visions for the big tasks that the NOVI is putting on: sustainable economy, accessible living and working, environment, future-proof rural area and a climate-neutral society.

In the project design power is used for innovation and integration. Regional design exploraties are used as inspiration. The conversation is organized around tables. Each table focuses on a task and addresses their call to government, market and society. What does the map of the Netherlands look like when we all make our contribution? All are welcome to join the convrsation!

This Region of the Future event takes place in the Lourdeskerk in Scheveningen from 13:00 until about 17:00. Please sign up via the NVTL.