Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsECLAS Conference 2018 in Ghent | Call for papers

ECLAS Conference 2018 in Ghent | Call for papers


The European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS) will hold its annual conference in Ghent, Belgium, from 9 to 12 September 2018. The conference will be hosted by the School of Arts of the University College Ghent. All are kindly invited to submit abstracts for the 2018 ECLAS Conference ‘Landscapes of Conflict’.

The organization calls for abstracts for oral presentations, pecha kucha and posters. Contributions are welcomed under any of the conference subthemes specified below. They welcome submissions pertaining to research, education and practice in landscape architecture, planning, management, science, and associated fields.

  • Subtheme 1: Human and nature
  • Subtheme 2: Experience and economy
  • Subtheme 3: Participation and coproduction
  • Subtheme 4: Planting design and ecology
  • Subtheme 5: Theory and practice
  • Subtheme 6: Teaching and learning
  • Subtheme 7: Conservation and development

The deadline for abstract submission is March 12th 2018.

For more information on the conference and the submission of abstracts, please visit the conference website.