Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventDocumentary: The man who wanted to change the world

Documentary: The man who wanted to change the world


June 16, Wageningen University will present the documentary ‘The man who wanted to change the world’. After the viewing, the mobile art installation of Peter Westerveld – the key person of the film- can be visited in the lobby of the building Gaia. 

Artist Peter Westerveld claims he has come up with the solution to our climate problems. His ideas are controversial, but with the Hydrologic Corridor, a project measuring 20,000km2 of desertified land in Kenya, he aims to prove his critics wrong.

Trailer of the film:


After the film follows a talk and immediately thereafter all interested attendees can walk into the lobby of the building Gaia where the mobile art installation of Peter Westerveld is exhibited. Water management specialist Fons Jaspers will explain the various components of the mobile.

15:30 – Start of film
17:30 – joint walk to mobile art installation
18:00 – drinks organized by Genius Loci

Gaia 1 Droevendaalsesteeg 3, Wageningen

Admission is free, all welcome.