Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsStudent workshop ‘healthy landscape’ by Felixx

Student workshop ‘healthy landscape’ by Felixx


Thursday May 12, the NVTL//DSL student team held its first event. Felixx landscape architects and planners held a lecture at Van Hall Larenstein University followed by a workshop with students in which the students worked on a real life case study of Felixx, the village expansion of Zuidhorn. Theme: healthy landscape. 

Photo and text: Nout Sterk

The challenge for the participants was: What can the theme of healthy landscape bring to the table for the spatial framework, connections to the environment or the details of the plots?

What a “healthy landscape” really implies, is wider than expected, participanten discover soon in the workshop. Next to well known themes such as biodiversity and building a local economy there are also environment-specific properties to consider, such as fitting a visible sand ridge and slow traffic connection through the area and the use of special “healthy” housing.

Educational experience for both parties

After the workshop, participating students talk about the project and the design assignment. For most, it was very nice to think of a project that is not final! It’s a relevant question and there are a lot of aspects to consider when talking about the theme ‘healthy landscape’.

Marnix Vink (Felixx): “I am delighted that we have been invited as office to present the projects we are working on to interested students. Working with students on an ongoing project turns out to be a fun and educational experience for both parties. I can encourage fellow agencies and students to participate in the following events organized by the NVTL//DSL student team. Everyone who has contributed to the event on 12 May, thanks for the nice afternoon. “