20 years European Landscape Convention
WLO and NVTL invite you to the symposium ‘The Future of the European landscape’. This Symposium is part of a series of conferences organised by UNISCAPE. This Symposium is organised as a hybrid event, allowing for both in-person and online participation.
In this year of the 20th Anniversary of the Florence Convention, and as a prelude on the UNISCAPE closing event of this year in Florence on 22 October, the symposium The Future of the European Landscape will discuss the status of the protection, planning and management of the European landscape. It will recommend actions and measures to provide the needed policy support for landscape in the next 20 years. The Conference will take place in person, taking into account the valid corona restrictions on that moment, and will be streamed as well.
9.00-10.30: Lectures (plenary sessions)
– Introduction by David van Zelm van Eldik (head of the program ONS LANDSCHAP, ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations)
– EU Green deal and the European landscape (Frank Vassen, EC DG Environment)
– Landscape dynamics in Europe (Felix Kienast, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research)
– 20 years of ELC in the Netherlands (Gerrit-Jan van Herwaarden, LandschappenNL)
10.30-11.00: Break
11.00-12.00: Lectures in 2 parallel sessions (make your choice at the registration on site, first come first served)
– Landscape and legal identity (Amy Strecker, University College Dublin)
– Inclusion of vulnerable groups in landscape planning (Arjen Buijs, Wageningen University)
– Community based landscape awareness (Pere Sala i Martí, Landscape Observatory Catalonia)
– European landscape as perceived by the residents (Bas Pedroli Wageningen University/JustLandscape & Johan Meeus landscape architect)
12:00-13:00: Interactive poster session (you can register to present a poster at the registration on site)
13.00-14.00: Lunch break
14.00-15.15: Interactive workshops, related to the lectures, discussing consequences and policy recommendations (make your choice for one workshop at the registration on site, first come first served)
The workshops themes
– The European Green deal (Vassen)(live/online)
– The ELC in The Netherlands (Van Herwaarden)(live)
– Typology of Landscape as perceived by people (Pedroli and Meeus)(live)
– Landscape and Democracy (Strecker and Buijs)(live)
– ELC: key issues for the next 20 years (Kienast and Sala i Marti)(live/online)
15.15-15.45: Report back of workshops (plenary session)
15.45-16.15: Coffee break
16.15-17.00: Closing lecture (plenary session)
– The major transitions in Europe leading to new landscapes (Bas Pedroli Wageningen University/JustLandscape)
You can buy a ticket until September 15, 2021.
You will have the option to switch from in-person to online registration or vice versa until 2 weeks before the conference. Differences in fees will be reimbursed or charged. If you’d like to change your method of participation, or have any other questions regarding your registration, please contact us at hoofdredacteur@landschap.nl
You can find information about the travel conditions and restrictions regarding The Netherlands on the Government of the Netherlands.
The fee includes entry to conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch for the on-site participants. The conference excursion is charged separately. Travel costs, accommodation are not included in the above-listed conference fees.
Covid-19 update
The Symposium is organised as a hybrid event- allowing participants to participate and engage at a level they are comfortable with – either face-to-face or online. Since it is still impossible to predict at this stage what the COVID restrictions will be in September, you can change the choice between on-site or virtual participation up to 2 weeks before the conference, i.e. until 3 September.
Capacity under covid-19 restrictions for in-person participation (June 2021): 50 participants.
Before traveling to the Netherlands, please check if any restrictions apply to your country. In case you registered for on-site participation but change to online we will reimburse the difference (provided you communicate the change before 3 September). In case you change from online to on-site we will send you an invoice for the additional charge.
Be well and stay safe!
Conference Organising Committee
Special thanks to: Uniscape, Ministerie BZK, RCE, University of Wageningen