Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsprojectWUR-student wins competition ‘Futurescapes for better wetter’

WUR-student wins competition ‘Futurescapes for better wetter’


Sander Hermens, student of Wageningen University, has won the competition ‘Futurescapes for better wetter.

Sander won the first prize together with Peter Jansen (Alterra) with their entry ‘Hert fan Fryslân’ (Heart of Friesland). For this competition designers and other experts were asked to come up with creative concepts to prepare the subsiding peat meadow landscape of Friesland for climatological changes.

According to the jury, ‘Hert fan Fryslân’ potentially has the strength of Plan Ooievaar (1986). The competition was organized by Ark Fryslân, (centre for architecture & spatial quality), and was commissioned by the water board of Friesland (Wetterskip Fryslân). The jury consisted, inter alia, of Peter de Ruyter (chair) and Jannemarie de Jonge.

More info: Wageningen University Landscape Architecture Group.