Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsfilmVIDEO Katwijk coastal line project by OKRA completed

VIDEO Katwijk coastal line project by OKRA completed


On Thursday February 19th, the redevelopment of the coastal line of  Katwijk was officially completed. OKRA Landscape Architects was responsible for the value analysis and the design of the new coastal landscape.

The coast at the seaside village has been strengthened with a new dike between the dunes. These ‘dike-in-duin’-solution protects Katwijk against rising sea levels. In the design of OKRA Landscape Architects, the existing and partly renewed dunes were widened to maintain the relationship between the village and the beach.

Alongside building the required coastal defence, the coast zone investments – including an underground parking garage – also ensure that Katwijk remains a tourist destination and supporting the local economy of seaside towns.