Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventThesis defence by René van der Velde: Transformation in Composition

Thesis defence by René van der Velde: Transformation in Composition


On 12 June, René van der Velde will defend his PhD thesis ‘Transformation in Composition. Ecdysis of Landscape Architecture through the Brownfield Park Project 1975-2015’. Promotors: D.F. Sijmons and Prof.dr. E.A. de Jong.

  • Date: 12 June 2018
  • Time: 15:00
  • Location: Aula TU Delft

You can find the doctoral theses of PhD students in the TU Delft Repository, the digital library of public publications of TU Delft. Dissertations will be available in the Repository within a few weeks after the defence.