Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarSYMPOSIUM Landscape Metropolis

SYMPOSIUM Landscape Metropolis


The 28th of November the symposium Landscape Metropolis and the festive inauguration of the first issue of the online journal SPOOL will take place at TU Delft. Six international authors will present their findings and several practitioners from the Dutch metropolitan areas will discuss their experiences of green space planning, design and management.

The symposium addresses several current challenges in metropolitan areas:

  • Planning Strategies for Metropolitan Areas
  • Metropolitan Landscape Typologies, Characterization and Assessment
  • Creating Places in Intermediate Metropolitan Spaces
  • Metropolitan Recreation and Leisure in Spatial Policy and Planning
  • Forming the Metropolitan Park

Contributors are a.o. Richard Stiles, (TU Vienna), Liesl Vanautgaerden (Ruimte Vlaanderen) en Mari Sundli Tveit (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo), Saskia de Wit & Dirk Sijmons (TU Delft), Berdie Olthof (Feddes-Olthof), Rik de Visser (Vista) and Jan-Peter van der Zee (Municipality Amsterdam).

Download the program and invitation.

Practical information

  • Chair: Prof. Dirk Sijmons
  • Organisation: Alexandra Tisma, René van der Velde, Saskia de Wit (Research group Urban Landscape Architecture)
  • Venue: Berlage rooms, faculty of Architecture TU Delft, Julianalaan 134, Delft.

The costs of the symposium are €75 for the whole programme, or €50 for half a day. Electronic transfers payable to TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture:

ABN AMRO bank, IBAN code: NL09ABN A0490188346 BIC/SWIFT code: ABNANL2A. Address: ABN Amro Bank NV Gustav Mahlerlaan 10 1082 PP Amsterdam Netherlands.

With reference: AUL AUL900.

Questions? Mail Alexandra Tisma, or Linda de Vos,