Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsStudent competition: Glider site Schinveld Airport

Student competition: Glider site Schinveld Airport


Do you know how the gliding site located at Schinveld, the Netherlands, can improve its character and the appeal of the region? Together with IBA Parkstad and Onderbanken municipality, the gliding site has launched a competition especially for students for the transformation of the buildings, the site, and the surrounding area.

Participation in the competition is free for students registered for architectural or design study programmes. Participants can submit one entry individually or as a team. Final date for submitting a plan: 1 November 2016.

On 12 November 2016 the jury report will be published on the competition website.

The three winning vision statement presentations receive the following prizes:
First prize: €1,500
Second prize: €750
Third prize: €500

More info: competition website.