Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarlectureLecture series: International Landscape Architecture

Lecture series: International Landscape Architecture


The Garden and Landscape programme of Van Hall Larenstein in Velp starts the new year with a series of lectures on international landscape architecture. What are the differences? Landscape architects from five different countries will share their vision.

Students, former students, colleagues and other interested parties are welcome to attend the lectures. Admission is free.

The five internationally operating speakers are invited  to share their vision and experiences working on international projects. This refers to the influence of the international context on content, process and communication.


  • Do. 1st of September
    Riikka Tuomisto (KCAP Architects & Planners)
  • Do. September 8
    Nur Saad (Nachalat, Israel)
  • Do. september 15th
    Kenny van de Poel (NEIGHBOR, Belgium)
  • Do. September 22
    Jan Maas (BOOM)
  • Do. September 29
    Jana Crepon (Inside Outside)

Time and venue

  • Time: 7:00 p.m. to 20:30 pm
  • Venue: Larensteinselaan 26a Velp, Room E002