Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarlectureLECTURE Living in lost landscapes

LECTURE Living in lost landscapes


January 29th, Eric Jan Pleijster of LOLA Landscape Architects will hold a lecture ‘Living in lost landscapes’ in Tilburg at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.

Eric Jan Pleijster is senior landscape architect and partner/co-founder of LOLA Landscape Architects. He graduated cum laude in landscape architecture at Wageningen University (2003). Eric-Jan brings imagination and passion into the research and design of complex spatial issues, such as designs for the natural recovery and recreational use of the Netherlands’ South-West delta area, including the large waters Grevelingen (2010) and Haringvliet (2012). The characteristics of city edges (City Edge Atlas South-Holland, 2011) and the design of natural areas (Natural Corridor Poelzone, 2014) have his concern.

Dutch Dikes

Together with LOLA, he wrote the bestseller Dutch Dikes (2014) and coordinated the book’s extensive research and production. By winning two Eo Wijers Awards (2001, 2008) and the Delta Water Award (2009), Eric-Jan proves that (regional) design can bring new life and unexpected experiences to landscape, nature and tourism.

Eric-Jan is active as both guest speaker and visiting professor at workshops and design studios. In 2013 he received the Rotterdam Maaskant Prize for Young Architects. On the occasion he co-wrote with Peter Veenstra and Cees van der Veeken the award winning monograph ‘Lost Landscapes’.

Time and venue

  • Date: 29.01.2016
  • Time: 15.30 h
  • Venue: Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
    master of architecture master of urbanism
    Bisschop Zwijsenstraat 11, Tilburg. Room E 2.01