Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventLaunch SPOOL journal PARTICULAR PLACES



On December the 16th, the TU Delft Chair of Landscape Architecture will  launch two special issues of the online journal SPOOL ( on PARTICULAR PLACES: ‘capturing particularities in the metropolitan landscape’ and ‘practicing design for particular places’.

In these issues designerly and discursive work on the landscape metropolis’s particular places is explored the way goldwashers do – taking a closer look, spotting those grains that merit attention.


15:00     ‘Particular Places in the Metropolitan Landscape’, Lisa Diedrich and Saskia de Wit (Issue Editors)

15:30     SPOOL, Frank van den Hoeven (Editor-in-Chief)

15:45    ‘A Story of Three. A Narrative Approach to Reading Atmosphere and Making Place’, Klaske Havik (Author)

16:15     Presentation 1st copy to Peter Russell (Dean Faculty of Architecture)

16:30     Drinks

Time & venue

  • 15.00-17.00h
  • Room BG-W-030
  • TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft

Admission is free of charge, but please register by emailing:

For any questions feel free to contact: