Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarexhibitionExhibition: Urban microclimates – Art meets Science

Exhibition: Urban microclimates – Art meets Science


From May 23rd until June 23rd 2016 the exhibition ‘Urban microclimates – Art meets Science’ will be held in the Impulse building of Wageningen Univesity.

The exhibition shows work of the art foundation ‘Laboratory for Microclimates’. Watch this movie as an introduction to their art projects regarding urban green (English and Dutch version).

The exhibition is initiated by Wiebke Klemm, quartermaster of the chair of ‘Green urban planning and design’ at Wageningen UR in cooperation with Annechien Meier & Gert-Jan Gerlach (Laboratory for Microclimates) and Nicolien Pieterse (Impulse).


Impulse, Building number 115, Stippeneng 2, 6708 WE Wageningen.