Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarBook launch | ‘Too Big’ by Henk Ovink

Book launch | ‘Too Big’ by Henk Ovink


On 12 April Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs of The Netherlands, will present his book ‘Too Big’ about a fundamentally different approach to climate change. Venue: Pakhuis de Zwijger.

The challenges we are dealing with right now are too big to ignore and too big to tackle the way we do now. The book ‘Too Big’ dispays the American reaction to Hurricane Sandy in 2012. And maps the physical and social vulnerabilities of all coastal cities at sea level that are confronted with extreme weather conditions.

With ‘Too Big’, Henk Ovink (Dutch first Water Ambassador) and Jelte Boeijenga (researcher, author and editor) underline the importance of a different approach in making cities and coastal areas more resilient. What lessons have been learned from previous disasters? How should we cooperate? And what is the responsibility of the Netherlands with its expertise in this area?

Thursday 12 April, 8 pm, Grote Zaal Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam.